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Theuerl die Tanzschule

Theuerl die Tanzschule

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Achieve your goals with our best equipment, our comprehensive service and our relaxing wellness offers. With us you will find everything you need for a perfect workout.

Fitness Training

  • Courses
Section Fitness Training
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DANCE - LIVE - LAUGH. This is our motto. Be a part of our dance family. Choose a course on our website, book a trial lesson online and get started!
We offer the following courses through Hansefit:

PAARTANZEN: Turn off the music and start with simple dances and movements. You will be surprised how easily you get into dancing.

WEDDING DANCING: No matter if you are an enthusiastic dancer or a beginner, after this dance course you will be dancing to the same beat through your life together.

SOLO DANCING: DANCE & SWEAT The name says it all!Cardio - get your body in full swing and sweating. Choreo - get your arms, hips, legs in sync and moving in a coordinated and smooth way.Cooldown - stretch, relax and be proud of what was accomplished. Give it a try! Taster session available at any time.

TANZFIT: The ideal fitness program for 60+. TanzFit is called the new fountain of youth. And
it offers everything that the "new" seniors are looking for: Exercise, socializing, fitness training and ev...