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MMA (Mixed Martial Arts)
Power Zirkel
Krav Maga (Selbstverteidigung)
Muay Thai (Thaiboxen)
BJJ (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu/ Gi)
Luta Livre (Submission Wrestling/ Nogi)

We also offer


Our Services

Achieve your goals with our best equipment, our comprehensive service and our relaxing wellness offers. With us you will find everything you need for a perfect workout.

Fitness Training

  • Strength area
  • Circuit training
  • Functional training
Section Fitness Training
There may be additional costs for use on site


Hazenbau is a company that stands for health!
You have the opportunity to take advantage of medical nutritional advice, personal training, fitness and group training. There is also the option of booking a kitchen for social evenings.
Within the training sessions you can choose between the following disciplines:
Mixed Martial Arts (MMA)
Luta Livre (Submission Wrestling/ Nogi)
BJJ (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu/ Gi)
Muay Thai (Thai boxing)
Krav Maga (self-defense)
Power circuit (strength endurance course)