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ATC Sports

We also offer


Our Services

Achieve your goals with our best equipment, our comprehensive service and our relaxing wellness offers. With us you will find everything you need for a perfect workout.

Fitness Training

  • Cardio area
  • Strength area
Section Fitness Training
There may be additional costs for use on site

Current Information

🇫🇷 🇬🇧 :

🇫🇷 Envoyez un message ou un e-mail pour prévenir le partenaire de votre arrivée. Scannez le QR-Code lors de votre entrée au Studio.
Pour les cours collectifs, réservez au +352 621 374 538 ou à l'adresse info@atcsports.lu
Activités : Strongman training, salle de fitness, coaching.
Possibilité de coaching personnel, aux frais du membre.

🇬🇧 Send a message or email to inform the partner of your arrival. Scan the QR-Code when you enter in the studio.
For collective classes, please book at +352 621 374 538 or at info@atcsports.lu
Activities: Strongman training, fitness room, coaching.
Possibility of personal coaching, at the member's expense.